Upcoming Workshops

Upcoming Workshops


negotiation Skills training

Your negotiation skills can make or break your career. This fun, fast-paced workshop is perfect for anyone ready to improve their ability to influence and persuade others! You'll learn how to approach everyday conversations with colleagues, clients, customers, and vendors with more confidence and skill. By the end of the two days, you will be able to:

  • Set negotiating goals that will drive more value to you and your organization,

  • Prepare for negotiations using a structured framework,

  • Respond effectively to other people's difficult tactics,

  • Manage negotiations with multiple different stakeholders, and

  • Create an action plan to continue your learning over time

Online Training: Two Full Days - SOLD OUT
July 26-27
, 9am to 5pm PDT (12pm to 8pm EDT)

Interested in future trainings? Contact us.